Those darned Martians need to stop building coal-fired power plants. According to Kate Ravilious at National Geographic News(1) the polar ice caps on mars are melting. How, I would like to ask, are the green-freaks going to frighten us into donating millions for that cause?
The green movement, to me, represents the most dangerous ponzi scheme in the world. If you don't give money to the green-freaks, shut down the energy producing sectors of our economy, shut down the energy consuming sectors of our economy, and immediately run out and purchase the first 0 to 60 in five hours electric death trap you can find, we're all going to burst into flames. For the low, low price of reverting back to the stone age, we get to keep on living. Garbage... all of it. From the ozone layer to global warming to running out of fish; it's all garbage.
I remember when I was a kid and being told about the ozone layer, how it was disappearing, and how we were all going to have to wear space-suits by 2015. We changed the type of refrigerant we used and looked at spray deodorant as if it were the progeny of Cain. I believed it; all of it. Then I grew up and learned that ozone is actually generated at certain altitudes by, get this, UV rays from the Sun! Yes, ozone regenerates itself. My fears were slain; but my outrage was born.
How dare you lie to me! And for what... money? power? fame? Needless to say, when I first heard of global warming; I immediately knew it to, was a lie. A lie for the exact same reasons. Just in case you don't already know, here is the lie.
The Earth is warming up; and man is the cause of it.
Yes, mankind is the largest contributor to weather on Earth. Never mind the fact that every scientist with a brain contributes the majority of weather to the Sun; never mind the fact that the most abundant greenhouse gas, by far, is water vapor; and never mind the fact that carbon dioxide (that stuff you exhale) contributes almost nothing to the greenhouse effect.(2) The wackos would have you believe you are exhaling (and plants are inhaling) a toxin, a poison, a noxious vapor.
I have never understood how we can predict what the weather is going to be like in 50 years; yet, no one can reasonably predict what it will be like next week. There is something else going on here, something sinister. Fortunately, we bypassed the economy-crushing Kyoto Protocol, but I would like to know what is next. What is the plan? Why are they trying to scare us?
I contend that their sole purpose is to remove you from your freedom. All of their proposed policies do exactly that. From smaller, deadlier cars to purchasing carbon offsets to crushing economy-busting treaties; they are all designed to take away your freedom.
We cannot let this happen. We MUST educate ourselves. If it looks like a fear tactic, it probably is... don't buy into it. Examine it for yourself, use your God-given ability to reason, and make your own, personal judgment. I think you'll find yourself much calmer, much happier, and much better off.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
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