Saturday, December 27, 2008
Our Worst Eco-Disaster Is On Its Way
Well, government never did do anything about the global cooling that was predicted to kill us all only 33 years ago. Looking back, it's easy to see that any money spent on stopping global cooling would have been wasted as best. At worst, it would have been spent to dump millions of tons of soot on the arctic ice cap in order to cause it to melt. That seems silly to us now, because we're prepared to spend billions to prevent it from melting.
Does everyone remember the holes we were blowing in the Ozone layer with spray deodorant and air conditioning? The Ozone hole over Antarctica is bigger this year than ever. The brilliant scientists over at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) are in a mad dash to blame greenhouse gas emissions and the rise in temperature for the widening hole. I suspect the reason for this is because the last two years of cooling have all but wiped out any warming that has taken place. You have to plan for the future and you can't let the multi-billion dollar industry that is enviro-wackoism just fall by the wayside because your lies are exposed. You have to really crack down on the truth-tellers by disseminating more fear and lies, but, what do I know?
What I do know is this, the old deodorant and air conditioners worked better. Lord knows, we are going to need both of those to face the greatest threat of mankind... cow flatulence.
It seems like everything we do, every innovation we make, every freedom we have causes some global crisis. We are cooling, warming, depleting, and otherwise destroying our planet. The only proposals advanced to solve the problem grow government in some shape or fashion. The problem is Capitalism and freedom. The solution is regulation, Socialism, taxes, and tyranny.
Am I the only one who is seeing a pattern here? We give... they take. We create... they destroy. We promote freedom and love... they use those terms to promote subjection and fear.
The only global crisis I am afraid of is the spread of the most deadly and destructive disease ever before seen on Earth. Liberalism harms more than it helps everywhere it is spread. They blame Capitalism and freedom for today's woes; well, I have seen the results of their way of doing things and I feel completely comfortable taking my chances with freedom.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Obama's War on Freedom
I hear a lot of people saying that we have lost a generation of good judges to a liberal president. Barack Obama is going to appoint a giant pack of leftists to fill the vacancies that remain after Bush's nominees were strategically filibustered or otherwise not confirmed. Not to mention all the new vacancies that will crop up when a bunch of current leftists decide this is a good time to retire.
This applies not only to judges, but to any and all powers granted to the President. The Buffalo News released an editorial entitled, "Obama Gets It", which discusses the idea that finally, we have a President who understands that our energy policy is "one in the same" with our environmental policy. So he is appointing a bunch of carbon-Nazis to create and administer our energy policy. As if the industry wasn't clogged with enough bureaucracy, he is appointing people who will guarantee we have a massive amount of waste and fraud via their no-growth policies.
Barack Obama and the liberal left has declared war on conservatism and liberty. They have armed themselves with fear tactics, guilt-inducing propaganda, and downright bullying. The battle is being waged in our courts, in our schools, and on our televisions. Their goal is the annihilation of liberty, the forced removal of private property, the termination individual rights, and the insertion of an all-powerful, centralized government; in a word... tyranny.
Well, that may be true, but do not be afraid. We only lose that which we do not fight to keep. It's all a matter of what we are passionate enough to fight for. Don't accept the mistaken impression that the President of the United States runs the country... we, the people run the country. If we do nothing then we have lost it all. However, if we band together and fight, we can keep any freedom that is under attack. If we stand up to this liberal fascism and allow our desire for liberty to inspire and invigorate us, we can and we shall win this war.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas Cheer
But, I was curious. What dastardly mayor was allowing this obvious violation to go unchecked? Clearly this was not happening in any of our more secular states such as Washington or California. Perhaps it was happening in unruly Oklahoma or Texas; you know how those people are. It could have been the bitter clingers in Pennsylvania or Ohio. But, it was none of those.
Actually, this celebration was occurring in Baghdad... no, not Baghdad, Kansas; this was the first ever Christmas celebration in Baghdad, Iraq. Interestingly, most of the attendants were Muslim, but they were out there celebrating their freedom by celebrating our Savior. Major General Abdul Karim Khalaf, Iraq's Interior Ministry spokesman, was quoted by Mrs. Dougherty as saying, "All Iraqis are Christians today!" He went on to say, "Now that we have crossed that hurdle and destroyed the incubators of terrorism, and the security situation is good, we have to go back and strengthen the community ties."
Some children were singing "We are building Iraq!" While others built a display depicting a terrorist plot to blow up a school being foiled, complete with soldiers, police, a bomb-sniffing dog, and one very dead bad guy. Another display entitled "Baghdad Today", showed a wedding, a market, and a mosque; all free from the fear of a bomb attack.
This is what the exhilaration of freedom looks like! They are excited and looking forward to a rich, prosperous, and terror-free future. I say, "God bless" these freedom-loving people and can't help but recall all the nay-sayers who said this once oppressed country couldn't handle liberty. What a huge difference from the days of Saddam's tyrannical dictatorship.
Who knows, if liberty like this continues to spread, maybe even Americans will one day be able to display public images of Jesus and celebrate Him like the people of Iraq can.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Spring Cleaning
If a company, any company, is failing; it is our duty to let it fail. It is doing so for a reason. Even if it is Chrysler, Ford, or GM. Of course, it would be a trial for our economy, but it needs to happen... our economy will be stronger for it.
It is time for some spring cleaning. I have made a list of tired, old dust bunnies we need to sweep from the garage.
This list includes, but is not limited to:
Christopher Buckley, who said, "Sarah Palin is an embarrassment, and a dangerous one at that." The Daily Beast, 10/10/08
David Frum, who said, "Ms. Palin's experience in government makes Barack Obama look like George C. Marshall." The National Post [Canada], 8/29/08
Peggy Noonan, who said of Obama, "He climbed steep stairs, born off the continent with no father to guide, a dreamy, abandoning mother, mixed race, no connections. He rose with guts and gifts. He is steady, calm, and ... he shows good judgment in terms of whom to hire and consult, what steps to take and moves to make." Wall Street Journal, 10/29/08
Kathleen Parker, who said, "I love Obama for his style, grace, intellect and his way with words. I want the healing power that an Obama Presidency could deliver to this country." syndicated column, 9/19/08
And now I sadly have to include Pat Buchanan. Why, Pat, why?
I, as a conservative... a "real" conservative, approach the future with a sense of optimism. I look forward to our impending revolution. Now that we have cleaned out the garage, it's time to start anew. There is nothing like a fresh start. To quote the greatest conservative who ever lived... "It's morning again in America."
A Crazy, New Idea
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Count Gettelfinger, Big Union Boss
So, what do we do about it? I think it's time to whip out that old, dusty copy of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" and take a lesson in free-market capitalism. It is time to throw off the anchor of Unionized Labor and rise back to the surface.
America has been duped into thinking unionized labor is a good thing. Other than drag good businesses down into the toilet, what have the union bosses accomplished? Let's look at a couple of examples:
Education, controlled by unions, has failed.
The American auto industry, controlled by unions, has failed.
The airline industry, controlled by unions, has failed.
This is not a coincidence. Big Union is driving up the cost of doing business. In the auto industry, it has done so to such an extent that the industry itself is teetering on the edge of collapse. So, they have to come to us for a bailout and I, for one, say NO!
Let them file for bankruptcy, renegotiate their union contracts, rewrite their business plan, and renew the industry. A bailout is only going to delay the inevitable. It is akin to giving a patient with appendicitis a bottle of hydrocodone. Sure, he's not going to feel the pain, but he's going to be dead soon. You have to cure the ailment; you have to excise the diseased organ; you have to remove the root cause of the problem. In this case, it's the greedy union.
In order to function, the auto industry needs workers, they need management, they need suppliers, and they need customers. What they don't need is an unnecessary liaison getting in the way.
We live in the age of the open door policy. Most employers understand the need to treat their workers right. If not, there are laws on the books to support employees and protect them from unscrupulous employers. Union bosses only get in the way. They are only there to suck money off the workers under the guise of helping them. Let me ask you this: When the unions put the auto manufactures out of business, who is going to hire all the newly unemployed? Who put them out on the street? Was it the employer trying to make a car or the union boss trying to make a buck?
Let's take out the scalpel of free-market capitalism and cut out the cancer that is Unionized Labor.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thank You Senate Republicans
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Culture of Corruption part II - Revenge of the Libs
Charlie Rangel is neck deep in scandal. He chose not to pay income tax on $75,000 in rental income from a beach house he owns. He is using official letterhead to assist in fundraising efforts. He has unethically used rent-stabilized apartments for personal as well as official business, all the while claiming his D.C. home as his primary residence. Now, as if that weren't enough, the ethics committee has expanded their investigation to include a sweetheart deal with an oil company which saved them millions in taxes. All of this, just this year, from the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. Yes, the same man who is under investigation for tax fraud is chairman of the chief tax-writing committee in the House of Representatives. Ironic, isn't it? Can you say, "conflict of interest"?
In 2006, Mark Foley lost his seat in Florida's 16th district during a scandal in which he sent sexually suggestive instant messages to a Congressional Page. The Democrats went into a tizzy; calling the disgraced Republican every name in the book. Democrat Tim Mahoney campaigned for that same seat on a "morals and values" platform using the slogan "Restoring America's Values Begins at Home." He won the seat in 2006 and apparently wasted little time in being corrupted. News broke just before the election that this moral and virtuous man, who was going to "restore America's values, beginning at home", committed adultery and allegedly paid his mistress $121,000 for her cooperation and silence. He lost his seat in 2008 in the resulting scandal. I don't remember a Democrat tizzy resulting from Mr. Mahoney's immorality; I guess this type of thing is expected among Democrats.
Al Gore and Joe Biden's level of ineptitude is practically criminal. The carbon-Nazi has been lying to us about the ridiculous piece of fiction that is Global Warming for so long, I don't even want to think about it, when he's not busy taking massive and illegal donations from monks who have sworn a vow of poverty.
The gaffe-prone Biden has been wielding the sword of Liberalism to hack away at freedom since 1972 when he's not busy plagiarising speeches and making a mockery of the Christian faith with his anti-life theology.
I could go on and on, but the point is made. I will not deny that the Republican Party has had its share of reprobates, but for the Democrats; miscreant behavior is business as usual.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Another Strange Definition for the Word "Opportunity"
President-elect Barack Obama met with the carbon-Nazi, er… I mean, former Vice President Al Gore, to discuss how much of an opportunity global warming is. According to the AP, Obama said, [Global Warming is] “not only a problem, but it's also an opportunity." Just imagine how wonderfully the economy will be stimulated by a bunch of government-works jobs funded by taxpayer dollars. I just now closed my eyes to try to imagine the bliss and a gruesome visage popped into my head. I think it was FDR.
I’m pretty sure it’s mathematically impossible to spend your way out of debt. When I make less money, I spend less to make up the difference. Using taxpayer money to fund so-called “green jobs” in an attempt to stimulate the economy is unviable at best and dangerous for our nation’s security at worst. It’s like borrowing $100 from your friend because you owe him $50.
The AP also quoted Obama as saying, "We all believe what the scientists have been telling us for years now, that this is a matter of urgency and national security, and it has to be dealt with in a serious way,"
The scientists are saying this is a matter of national security? Which scientists are those? The ongoing “Global Warming Petition Project” has over 31,000 scientists which have signed the following petition:
We urge the
There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.
(You can see for yourself at
Has Obama or the carbon-Nazi spoken to any one of these scientists? I think not!
Chicago Democrat Style Capitalism
Um, yes you do Governor, that is precisely what you are supposed to do.
President-elect Obama is experiencing some very predictable lapses in memory regarding the issue. The Chicago Tribune reported Obama as saying "I was not aware of what was happening, I had no contact with the governor or his office and so I was not aware of what was happening." That's very Clintonesque of you Mr. President-elect.
I am quite certain this is only the beginning of his memory problems regarding Chicago politics. But I would like to know the extent of Obama's involvement with these shady dealings. Did he instigate the deal? Did he tell Blagojevich he would not offer him anything; after all, the Governor somehow knew that Obama was not going to offer him anything. He must have been speaking with someone. In short...
What did the President-elect know and when did he know it?
Monday, December 8, 2008
Under the Sheep's Clothing
He has all the makings of a liberal, from his ego to his elitism to his messianic self-delusion. Keep in mind, we are talking about the most liberal member of the United States Senate. Yes, the one who is good buddies with unrepentant terrorist, William Ayers. Yes, the one who voted to make sure doctors could kill babies born alive in spite of an abortion attempt. Yes, the very one who wants to "spread the wealth around." He is and will always be the Alinsky reading, Acorn funding, community agitating, neo-marxist he was in the past. Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, he will spring out and reveal himself at just the right time. If we are not prepared for it, we'll be eaten before we have a chance to defend ouselves. Be neither fooled nor placated.
He is bad for our individual rights. He is bad for this free-market economy. He is bad for this nation. And, rest assured, he will prove it.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Reclaim the Nation
There comes a time in every persons life when a major decision is made. A path is chosen where the proverbial “fork in the road” lies. You have three choices when you arrive at this point. The great Yogi Berra once said, “If you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Unfortunately, that is not one of our options. You can either go left or right; or you can just stand where you are, doing nothing.
Our country is staring at that fork right now. We can go left, down the “progressive” path where government is “mommy dearest” and supplies her “children” with all their hopes and dreams. This, of course, is Socialism and it inevitably leads to failure. Worse yet, once Socialism takes root, it sprouts and grows into Communism. Then we will all be equal... equally destitute and enslaved. If you think I am paranoid, consider the words of Nikita Khrushchev, “We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism.”
Another option is to stand and do nothing, but even a small child know that if it's not moving, it's dead. So, that is not really an option if your goal is a successful, productive America.
The last, and most viable option, is the right path. This is the path taken by our forefathers. The path of liberty. We all know where that path leads. It leads to prosperity, opportunity, and good fortune for all who make the choice to participate. The only problem this this option is that you have to actively pursue it. You have to make daily strides to keep it in place. You have to work.
The brilliant Walter Williams, in an article entitled “Ignorance Reigns Supreme”(1), examines the depressing results of a national survey, “Our Fading Heritage: Americans Fail a Basic Test on Their History and Institutions”, conducted by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI). Apparently only 21 percent of survey respondents knew that the phrase “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” comes from President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and a mere 27 percent know the Bill of Rights expressly prohibits establishing an official religion for the United States.
This shocking display of ignorance reveals the heart of the problem we are facing. America, through laziness and inaction, has begun to commit suicide. The solution does not just lie in a history lesson; although, that is a good start. The solution is action on the part of all freedom-loving people. It's not good enough to simply go to work every day and mind your own business. You have to get involved. Educate yourself on the subject of American history and freedom; then act on that education. Take advantage of the opportunities afforded to you. Educate your friends and family. Educate your coworkers.
This nation is ours to enjoy and ours to maintain. If we do nothing, it will be taken from us. Luke tells us in Chapter 12, Verse 48, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” Wise words for an unwise country.
So, here we stand at the fork in the road. What will we do? What will you do? I can tell you this, if we do not reclaim our nation, someone will do it for us.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Global Warning!
The green movement, to me, represents the most dangerous ponzi scheme in the world. If you don't give money to the green-freaks, shut down the energy producing sectors of our economy, shut down the energy consuming sectors of our economy, and immediately run out and purchase the first 0 to 60 in five hours electric death trap you can find, we're all going to burst into flames. For the low, low price of reverting back to the stone age, we get to keep on living. Garbage... all of it. From the ozone layer to global warming to running out of fish; it's all garbage.
I remember when I was a kid and being told about the ozone layer, how it was disappearing, and how we were all going to have to wear space-suits by 2015. We changed the type of refrigerant we used and looked at spray deodorant as if it were the progeny of Cain. I believed it; all of it. Then I grew up and learned that ozone is actually generated at certain altitudes by, get this, UV rays from the Sun! Yes, ozone regenerates itself. My fears were slain; but my outrage was born.
How dare you lie to me! And for what... money? power? fame? Needless to say, when I first heard of global warming; I immediately knew it to, was a lie. A lie for the exact same reasons. Just in case you don't already know, here is the lie.
The Earth is warming up; and man is the cause of it.
Yes, mankind is the largest contributor to weather on Earth. Never mind the fact that every scientist with a brain contributes the majority of weather to the Sun; never mind the fact that the most abundant greenhouse gas, by far, is water vapor; and never mind the fact that carbon dioxide (that stuff you exhale) contributes almost nothing to the greenhouse effect.(2) The wackos would have you believe you are exhaling (and plants are inhaling) a toxin, a poison, a noxious vapor.
I have never understood how we can predict what the weather is going to be like in 50 years; yet, no one can reasonably predict what it will be like next week. There is something else going on here, something sinister. Fortunately, we bypassed the economy-crushing Kyoto Protocol, but I would like to know what is next. What is the plan? Why are they trying to scare us?
I contend that their sole purpose is to remove you from your freedom. All of their proposed policies do exactly that. From smaller, deadlier cars to purchasing carbon offsets to crushing economy-busting treaties; they are all designed to take away your freedom.
We cannot let this happen. We MUST educate ourselves. If it looks like a fear tactic, it probably is... don't buy into it. Examine it for yourself, use your God-given ability to reason, and make your own, personal judgment. I think you'll find yourself much calmer, much happier, and much better off.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Bipartisanship, That Sly Serpent
more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic
Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote
the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America."
Freedom, at its most basic level, is your ability for you to be you, completely and individually. Leadership does not grow from an aggregate; leadership can only grow from the watering-can of individualism. The founders, who wrote the pristine document which frames our nation, were individuals. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who led a people to claim their right to be free and equal Americans, was an individual. Mohandas Gandhi, who freed an entire nation from the chains of tyranny, was an individual. Few are the examples, but great is their impact.
Why are the examples so few? In a word... courage. It takes courage to be an individual; to stand up for what you believe in. Can you imagine the obstacles the founders of this nation had to overcome or the persecution Dr. King had to endure? Place yourselves in the Mahatma's sandals, with an entire nation to lead to freedom; could you overcome, endure, and lead?
Considering the enormous weight these men had on their shoulders, is it any wonder that America is a little miffed at the weakness shown by the leaders we have elected? No, it is no wonder at all. And how, pray tell, does this weakness manifest itself? In a word... bipartisanship. Bipartisanship is “reaching across the aisle”. Excuse me, but I did not vote for someone so he could reach across the aisle, I voted for someone so he could defend the principles he spoke so eloquently about in the campaign. Bipartisanship, as far as I see it, is the spaghetti-spined, weak-willed defense of ones elected post.
Imagine if General Washington were bipartisan. Imagine if he had run up the white flag and gone over to see General Howe in Boston in February of 1776 and offered a “fair” and “impartial” resolution to this unseemly war. We would not be sitting here, reading this in a separate and free nation.
Imagine if Dr. King had pulled back from his beliefs in and equitable treatment of all Americans. American blacks would still be drinking from separate water fountains and riding in the back of the bus.
Imagine if Gandhi had negotiated with the tyrants in an evenhanded attempt to be fair. India would not currently be recognized as the largest democracy in the world.
Ridiculous notions all.
When I elect a representative, I expect him to represent my ideals, my desires, and my vision. I expect him to lead. I expect him to be an individual.
Individualism is the mother of greatness and greatness can only occur among free people. This is the substance of American exceptionalism; this is the essence of freedom.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Freedom and the Greatness of Small Business
If you have ever read the essay “I, Pencil” by Leonard E. Read, then you already know the miracles uninhibited creativity can bring. What Mr. Read is describing is the organizational power of free men which drives our technological world. One can scarcely open his eyes without fixing them on something brought to you by small business. Your carpets and ceiling tiles, your door hinges and the oil to quiet them, and even that little piece of plastic on the end of your shoe lace – all brought to you, in some way, through the industriousness of small business.
In a multitude of time and through a multitude of ways, small business has made your life better, and in some instances, possible. Even the big businesses we see every day could not function if not supported by small businesses; indeed, most of them were small businesses at one time. Have you ever heard of Walton's five and dime? I'll bet you have; we call it Wal-Mart now. Do you think General Electric started off as a giant, multinational company? Of course not.
Small business is big. As of 2005, there were roughly 25.8 million businesses in the U.S. while only 17,000 of those can be considered big businesses. Small business employs half of all private sector employees and produces 13 to 14 times as many patents per employee than large companies. Productive is a good word to describe them. Essential is another.
The driving force behind small business is freedom. Without it, creativity loses its potency and all that we take for granted begins to fade. How do you squelch creative force? How do you stop the production lines? How do you remove our freedom? You tax it.
Obama told us in the campaign that he would cut taxes for 95% of families and small businesses. However, he has also said that he would do nothing while President Bush's tax relief expires. Now, I'm no mathematician, but when I pay a higher percentage of my income to the government in the form of taxes, I call that a tax increase! We simply cannot let that happen. There is too much at stake. Our economy is driven by small business and small business is driven by freedom.
It was Benjamin Franklin who said, “They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.” How right he was. I am not complaining about the money, I can always go make more money. I am complaining about government intrusions upon my liberty. It is my intention to stand up and fight; not only to keep the liberty we have now, but to take back that which we have lost.
Patrick Henry said it best when he spoke these words; "If we wish to be free, if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending, if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained - we must fight!"
Indeed Mr. Henry, you did - and we shall!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Stop Fixing Our Economy!
Imagine you make $1000 per week and spend $1200 per week. Obviously, you cannot sustain that without eventually going bankrupt. So, you sit down one Sunday afternoon and decide to do something about your economic situation. You think and think and finally come up with a brilliant solution. You will go to the bank and borrow $10,000. With the extra money, you can sustain yourself for an additional 50 weeks. Fantastic! You can also hire someone to clean your home, and someone else to tend your garden. Problem solved, right?
You would have to be completely insane to think that would solve your problem. The best scenario is that you have merely put off the problem. The worst, and more likely, scenario is that you have compounded the problem and ensured your eventual bankruptcy.
That is what our government is currently doing. When the government spends money, it is only compounding the problem. It does not create anything, by its very nature it cannot create anything. What the government gets, it gets because you and I have created something. Every time the government does something to fix the problem, it does so with either our money or with borrowed money. When spending doesn't work, the politicians spend more. When that doesn't work, they spend even more. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. If you want a different outcome, you have to change your plan.
The American people are the solution to this problem. If Obama came out tomorrow and said he is going to change his plan and cut corporate and capital gains taxes, American business would respond immediately with new investments and the economy would begin to recover. The only real solution the government can offer is to get out of the way and let Americans do what Americans do.
Every time Capitalism is tried, it succeeds. When Reagan took over in 1981, interest rates were staggeringly high. Unemployment was also high and not surprisingly, so were taxes. When you want something to stop happening, tax it and it will stop. Prosperity was taxed and prosperity stopped happening. So Reagan cut taxes and so began the longest period of peacetime prosperity ever in American history.
The government desperately needs to stop doing things. It needs to get out of the way and let Americans do things. Government spending and regulation stifles growth; give us back our freedom and we will flourish.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Government Enacted, Taxpayer Subsidized Failure
That is essentially what a bailout is. A bailout is the taxpayer subsidizing corporate failure. Unfortunately, that’s not the whole story.
Now imagine if parents and teachers conspired to give kids all the wrong answers thus causing the failure; then blaming the kid for failing; punishing the kid for failing; then paying the kid for the “F”. What would happen? Not only would the kid be on drugs in an attempt to medicate the confusion away, but he or she would inevitably get worse in school, be completely unable to pass and ultimately be forced to rely on his or her unreliable parents and teachers.
That is what is happening in our markets today. The parents and teachers are the government and the kids are the industries involved. Let me explain starting with the mortgage industry…
Right now the federal government is forcing banks to give loans to people regardless of their ability to pay. People who have a difficult time paying their bills, for whatever reason, also have a difficult time saving money. As a result, there are a substantial number of houses that are 100% (or more) financed. When housing prices dropped, the houses were over-funded and the credit markets froze. (Sure, there are better explanations out there, but you get the general point.) What does the government do? They step in, blame corporate greed, blame Wall Street, and throw your money at it.
Next we have the auto industry. The federal government is forcing auto manufacturers to meet a ridiculous set of fuel efficiency standards called the CAFE standards (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) which forces auto manufacturers to prematurely re-tool their factories in an effort to meet the impossible standards set by the government at a cost of millions of dollars. Now, not surprisingly, they are going broke. What does the government do? They step in, blame corporate greed, blame Wall Street, and throw your money at it.
What’s next? I’ll tell you. Health care is about to be taken over by the feds and run with the same degree of efficiency as every other government-clogged industry. They will call it “fair” and “the right thing to do”, after all; there are millions of people in this country who currently have no health insurance. Frankly, I would rather have no health insurance than Socialism’s brand of health insurance. Check with England, Canada, and Cuba to find out just how wonderful government health care is. I did check and it’s nothing but long lines and diminished quality; not something you want in a hospital. Not to mention the enormous burden placed on the taxpayer by the bloated agency that will no doubt be created.
We must avoid this at all cost. We must act! If we speak out with a loud and unified voice they will have no choice but to listen. If they don’t listen the first time, we will keep pushing and pushing until they do listen. If they refuse to listen, we have the power to fire them and take their place. Let us not stop until they comply or until they are in the soup-lines and we are running the show.
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Immovable Force
Remember how important it was that we get the $700 billion bailout in the hands of Hank Paulson RIGHT NOW? Congress made it sound like something that had to happen immediately... or else. Or else what? The “or else” sounded dire, like it was the demise of America. Well, good ole Hank has yet to use the money to buy up these bad mortgages and indeed, has changed his mind about it all together.
“Over these past weeks we have continued to examine the relative benefits of purchasing illiquid mortgage-related assets,” Paulson said. “Our assessment at this time is that this is not the most effective way to use TARP[Troubled Asset Relief Program] funds.”
Not the most effective way? That was the purpose of the money; that's why you said you needed it. I smell a rat and now I have some questions.
Why was all of America told this?
Was it a lie?
Were we swindled?
Was the entire thing fabricated to do damage to the Bush Administration just before the election?
I'm not sure what it was, but I can tell you what it wasn't... it wasn't an emergency. Were we duped? You bet we were. We were told that we NEEDED to bail out the mortgage industry. We were told that we NEEDED to bail out AIG. Now we are being told that we NEED to bail out the Big Three. How are they justifying it? They say “These businesses are too big to fail.” That is a lie; if they were too big to fail, they wouldn't fail! There is no such thing as a company that is too big to fail.
Well, fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
I find it interesting that the liberals hate some companies because they are too big (Wal-Mart, Microsoft, Pfizer, etc) and throw billions at others because they are too big (AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac, GM, and any airline they can get their hands on). How do they decide which they are going to love and which they are going to hate? I think I found the magic formula.
If your company has a solid business model and makes a good profit while providing a valuable product or service, the liberals are going to hate you. If your business is fraught with government regulation, greedy unions, and questionable business practices that provide an opening for government interference, the liberals will love you and send you billions of taxpayer dollars.
Why is this? Because they are Socialists. They are Marxists. They are bent on destroying free-market capitalism. Nationalizing entire industries is one of the ways they plan to do it. They started a long time ago and will not stop until they either succeed or hit an immovable force coming the other way. What is that immovable force? YOU ARE! American resolve has never met it's match. We have had some pretty rough enemies but none are as destructive as the one we face today. There is battle going on for our very freedom, if we don't stand up and fight, we will become slaves of the state. We have already defeated slavery once in this country, let's not go back there again. We can win this fight and together, we will.
Follow this blog for some very exciting updates in the near future.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Conservative Indolence
Sulking on the couch while you watch "Hannity and Colmes" every evening is hardly going to repair the damage. Action is what is required. Thomas Jefferson once said, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent". People of good conscience... that would be you; the average, hard-working, law-abiding American citizen. You have to stand up. You have to speak out. You have to ACT!
You have more power than you think you do. You create huge corporations; you employ America; you produce miracle drugs; you built the Hoover Dam, the Empire State Building, the Golden Gate Bridge; you have secured freedom for millions around the world; you wrote the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution and then fought to defend them. You are an American. This is your country. Washington is powerless without you.
This great nation of ours is now in jeopardy. Will we allow a group of liberal elitists take over our private businesses, our private land, and our private lives; or are we going to fight? Liberty was not won with peace and love and bi-partisanship and that is not how it will be saved. Don't let them talk over you; don't let them label you; and most importantly, don't let them win. Now, let's go out there and get our country back.